Web Development

Web Development Training in Faisalabad

Step by Step Complete Training

Front End & Back End

·       Adobe Dreamweaver

·       Sublime

·       HTML 5

·       CSS 3

·       JavaScript

·       J-Query

·       PHP

·       MySQL

·       AJAX

·       Bootstrap

·       WordPress (CMS)

·       Shopping Cart

Introduction to the Web

·       Authoring Web Page with HTML and XHTML

·       Implementing Site Navigation

·       Adding Graphics Elements

·       Rapid Development using Dreamweaver MX

·       Controlling Page Styles and Layout with CSS

·       Capturing User Input through HTML Forms

·       Adding Interactivity with JavaScript

·       Incorporating Multimedia

·       Adding Interactivity through DHTML

·       Essentials of Web Application

·       Installing & Configuring Web Server

·       Introduction to PHP Programming

·       Fundamentals of PHP & Web Programming

·       Differences b/w PHP5 & PHP7

·       Arrays, Strings & Regular Expressions

·       Session & Application Management

·       Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

·       Date, Time & File Manipulation

·       Installing & Configuring MySQL

·       Database Designing using MySQL

·       Standard Query Language(SQL)

·       Database Programming in PHP

·       Sending E-mails from Code

·       Implementing Security in Web Applications

·       Design Patterns & Best Practices

·       Developing & Consuming Web Services

·       Creating Rich Web Interface using AJAX

·       Web Deployment to Commercial Web Servers

·       Maintaining & Optimizing Web Applications

Full Stack Web Designing and Development

Free 6-Months Certificate and Internship Letter

Course Duration 2-Months Total Fee 20,000Rs.